Highland Avenue Baptist Church
1900 Highland Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36107
(334) 834-3506
Those brave souls who brought this church into being March 18, 1906, were men and women who had a vision. The charter members banded themselves together with a common aim; “To seek God’s will for their individual lives and to grow a church which would justify God’s confidence in man.” What followed was a long and fruitful history of ministry, worship and praise.
After more than a century, the vision is alive and well at HABC. Over the years, its focus has adapted to meet the ever-changing needs in our community and in the entire city of Montgomery. By God’s Grace, we’re still here, serving and exalting Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. That has not and will never change.
We are indeed treading where the saints have trod. It is our prayer and intent that Jesus be glorified in all we do.